3:18 Ministry
Galt & Lodi Campus

The 3:18 Ministry, led by Ken+Cindy Parkenson, Operates out of 1 John 3:18.

“Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.”

As opportunities to serve in the community arise, the 3:18 team assembles. Yard work for a couple that can’t physically do so or afford it, Painting a house, Fixing a fence, Whatever the need, this group of individuals is there to be the hands and feet of Jesus.

Commitment is by preference. Email blasts are sent out to notify members of opportunities.
Contact Cindy Parkenson 209-745-0700(x10) or Email: Cindy

Love Meals 
Galt & Lodi Campus

The love meals ministry helps those during times of crisis, illness, surgery, birth of a child and or grief by providing meals through this ministry. The meals or prepared and delivered to the families of those in need. Team members are sent an email with the needs and dates of when meals are needed. If they are available to help they respond to the email on the date they can provide the meal. There is no pressure to provide a meal for every family.

Due to the nature of this Ministry, commitment requires flexibility.
Contact Tiffany Bamert 745-0700(x10) or Email: Tiff